PAMS Quarterly Meeting 11/16/2014 at Shaw’s Crab House

PAMS Quarterly Meeting 11/16/2014 at Shaw’s Crab House

November 26, 2014

On November 16th, PAMS met at Shaw’s Crab House for a general meeting. The meeting was sponsored by Medtronic Neuromodulation with representative Mr. Steve Willuweit in attendance. The meeting began with Dr. Lukas Chebes giving an informative presentation titled “Spinal cord stimulation: Percutaneous trial to permanent implantation”.

Dr. Kornelia Król summarized the activities organized by members of the board over the past year-and-a-half. She also reiterated our constant concern over the future of American students choosing to study medicine in Poland. As usual, this topic initiated an active exchange of opinions between the members. We are determined to gather accurate and sound information for students planning to study in Poland and later return to the US for postgraduate education.

Next, Dr. Adam Cios (Treasurer) presented the status of our back accounts. Out of 800 physicians on our mailing list, only 80 pay yearly dues. This is not enough to sustain our organization. We hope that more Polish American physicians will join us so we can further pursue our mission of educating young physicians and supporting multiple charitable events. Our next event is the 65th Polish Physicians Bal, which will take place on January 31st, 2015 at The Ritz-Carlton in Chicago. You can purchase a ticket on our website.

After a delicious dinner, Dr. Orawiec invited all of our members to a skiing competition in Wilmot Mountain Wisconsin, as well as a trip to the Swiss Alps. Dr. Rudnicki also proposed we consider participating in the Kongres Polonii Medycznej Świata, which will take place in Wilno, Poland in September, 2015.

The time was spent productively and in good company. We gratefully and sincerely thank Dr. Chebes for organizing this meeting. We are proud of the youngest member of our board.

Written by Evelina Worwag, M.D.