1st Polish American Youth Scientific Summit

1st Polish American Youth Scientific Summit

July 30, 2019


On behalf of the board members of Junior PAMS, I would like to invite you to the 1st Polish American Youth Scientific Summit which will take place at Northwestern University on September 15th, 2019.  
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This conference will be directed towards Polish-American students, residents, fellows and young physicians with a goal of presenting the necessary information to advance in their respective profession. 
The scientific session will be led and critiqued by world-renown scientists and we encourage all of you to submit your work and present at out conference. The scientific session including poster presentations will be conducted and evaluated throughout the conference. Valuable prices will be given to top three poster presentations and the highest impact publication by Polish-American student/resident in 2019. Please submit your abstract based on the criteria presented below. 
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION–> Submit an abstract consisting of 300 words. Academic format is required including: introduction, methods, results, conclusion. Previously presented work and preliminary data can also be submitted. All medical topics and categories will be considered for presentation. We encourage undergraduate students, medical students and residents to submit their work. 
Submit your abstracts to pams.junior2018@gmail.com
DEADLINE for Abstract Submission —> September 1st, 2019 
SCIENTIFIC AWARD for the highest impact factor publication by Polish-American student/resident–> Submit your publication with PMID number as one of the authors to receive a valuable award + a free ticket to Physician’s Ball 2020 at Palmer House Hilton in Chicago. 
Additionally, we will have interesting sessions to help our students and residents advance in their respective careers. They will have an opportunity to undergo mock interviews with faculty physicians to better prepare themselves for the upcoming interview season. Students will have an opportunity to learn the most effective ways to prepare for standardized exams and maximize their chances for admission. 
Most importantly, we will have a lot of experienced, world-renown Polish-American physicians who have had very successful careers in the United States and would like to share it with the younger generation. It will be a great opportunity for networking and embracing the Polish-American connection with each other. 
The official program of the conference will be released a month before the conference. Additionally, we would like to invite you to our post-conference social event full of good food, drinks and great atmosphere in downtown Chicago!!!
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I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your attendance and contribution during our Summer Soiree at Rosewood Beach as all the donations will be directed towards this conference.
Please spread the word among your friends and family members. Stay tuned for more information in the upcoming weeks!
We look forward to seeing you in September!
Adam Studniarek M.D. 
President of Junior PAMS 
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