Summary of 6/28 PAMS scholarship Quarterly Meeting
Summary of 6/28 PAMS scholarship Quarterly Meeting
July 7, 2015
The time has come to give with PRIDE and JOY!
Each year, during the month of June, PAMS distributes scholarships to young and promising future physicians of Polish decent from the Chicago area. Thanks to the immense success of our charity Physician’s Ball, which took place this past February, PAMS was able to increase the number of recipients from 11 to 15!
On June 28th, 2015 Dr. Radwanska (The Director of the PAMS Scholarship Committee) distributed 2015 scholarship diplomas and checks; a total of $15.000 in scholarships was awarded. Scholarships were also funded by the Dr. Rytel and Dr. Cebulski Funds, as well as by Alan Krashesky – the MC of this year’s Physician’s ball, who donated his honorarium to PAMS educational funds.
The Dr. Rytel scholarship went to Michael Grzeskowiak, a student at Loyola University. This was Michael’s second time receiving this award. The Dr. Cebulski scholarship went to another second-time recipient: Daniel Michalik.
The Krashesky awards were given to four pre-medical graduates for their outstanding achievements: Emil Klosowiak (for innovation), Aleksandra Rojek (research), Joanna Tomaszewska (leadership), and Iwona Zajkowski (community service).
The remaining PAMS scholarships were awarded to Kamil Cieply (Lublin), Zuzanna Cieszkowska (Wroclaw), Magdalena Harasimowicz (Loyola) , Adrianna Janowicz (Des Moins), Jan Morawski (Poznan), Patryk Osak (Indianapolis), Ewa Socik (Rush), and Lukasz Zborek (Krakow).
This year’s meeting was attended by over 100 PAMS members and their guests who came to congratulate our awardees and also to listen to Dr. Król’s report on the growth and achievements of PAMS. Over the past two years, Dr. Król has tirelessly been representing Chicago Polish physicians, in both Chicago and Poland.
The evening was concluded with a presentation on professional insurance by MedMal Direct, who also sponsered the refreshments.
Bravo Dr. Król for organizing and hosting another successful PAMS event that beautifully presented the Polish American Medical Society and its charitable endeavors. We hope that the younger generations of physicians and students will follow in our footsteps!
Written by:
Evelina Worwag, MD, Secretary