PAMS Quarterly Meeting and Wealth Planning Advice @ Roy’s Restaurant
PAMS Quarterly Meeting and Wealth Planning Advice @ Roy’s Restaurant
March 10, 2015
You are Cordially Invited to the Polish-American Medical Society’s March Quarterly Meeting & Educational Event, hosted by Wealth Planning Network. Please email: to RSVP by March 19th.
Sunday March 22nd at Roy’s Restaurant

3:00PM – Registration
3:30PM – Meeting opening by president Dr. Kornelia Król
3:40PM – Lecture: “ADDRESSING THE MAJOR FINANCIAL CONCERNS FOR PHYSICIANS” by Michael Jankowski and Larry Gatz, Wealth Planning Network
4:30PM – Summary of the 65th Physicians’ Ball by treasurer Dr. Adam Cios and President Dr. Kornelia Król
4:45PM – 2015 PAMS Events Calendar
5:15 – Open discussion with appetizers, salad, dinner and desert

- TAX MINIMIZATION: Your IRAS represent your highest taxable assets (up to 70% income and estate taxes). Learn how to effectively structure your retirement accounts to save you and your heirs from paying unnecessary taxes.
- ASSET PROTECTION: Learn how family limited partnerships, LLCS, and children’s trusts can protect you and your family from malpractice, lawsuits, and divorce.
- CHARITABLE GIVING: Learn how charitable trusts and private family foundations can substantially reduce your current income taxes by up to 50% and avoid estate taxes, all while leaving a legacy to your favorite charities.
- MARKET VOLATILITY: Learn about the different investment options available, and about safe money options that provide upside potential while protecting your principal.
This educational event will be presented by Michael Jankowski and Larry Gatz of Wealth Planning Network. Michael and Larry have been named as “Top Financial Advisers for Doctors” by medical economics magazine, and are distinguished presenters and contributors to several local and national publications.
Wealth Planning Network is Chicago Magazine’s Five Star award winning firm, specializing in helping physicians meet their retirement objectives and maximize their estate planning goals.
PHONE: (708) 481-4000 EMAIL: INFO@WPN360.COM
PLEASE Email: INFO@WPN360.COM to RSVP by March 19th