III Annual Charity Fashion Show
III Annual Charity Fashion Show
February 21, 2018
On February 9, 2018, Dr. Beata Danek and Malgorzata Wajs organized the Third Annual Charity Fashion Show – “Share the Love” – on behalf of the Polish American Medical Society (PAMS). The Valentines-themed ball was held at “Victoria in the Park,” a beautiful banquet hall in Mount Prospect. The sold-out event was attended by almost 400 people and generated profits exceeding $28,000. 100% of the proceeds were donated to “Dom Samotnej Matki,” a shelter in Chicago for single mothers in crisis and their children founded and operated by the Missionary Sisters of Christ the King. Radio 1030 AM host Pawel Kulinski and attorney Sabina Danek humorously and professionally co-hosted the “Share the Love” fashion show which featured Polish doctors and students on the runway. The models wore beautiful collections of six local designers and boutiques – Rich Casual, Obsession Boutique, Mag-Han, Nadia Davidi, Vogue Fashion and Laurel Bridal.
The event was taken under Honorary Patronage by the Polish Consulate in Chicago and Consul Piotr Janicki, who enjoyed the show. Kamila Dworski of Polvision and Radio 1030 AM, the fashion show’s media sponsor, hosted a red carpet from which she interviewed the event’s generous sponsors and fashion designers. Walter Kotaba, the President of Polnet Communications, Frank Spula, the President of the Polish American Congress, as well as Joanna Antonik, Miss Polonia USA 2017, were also in attendance. Krzystof Babiracki, Andrzej Brach, and Wojtek Lysinski photographed the beautiful models, and the pictures are available below. Dziennik Zwiazkowy, Chicago’s Polish Daily Newspaper, attended the event and published a detailed report.
Victoria in the Park served a delicious and elegant dinner, which was followed by dancing, meeting of old friends and new, a raffle, and a whole lot of fun. All those in attendance were happy to get together for such an exciting event while showing those in crisis that the community cares. PAMS looks forward to hosting the Fourth Annual Charity Fashion show next year.

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