Election Meeting
Election Meeting
July 19, 2020
The Polish American Medical Society in Chicago held it’s quarterly review and election meeting. Although the new President and Board of Directors were selected during an online ballot in April this year, the COVID19 pandemic delayed the date of the official meeting.
Dr. Marek Rudnicki performed the duties of the President for two years. During his tenure, the Polish American Medical Society continued to flourish. Over the last two years, many very important initiatives have been created and welcomed by the Polish medical communities around the world.
The “Patriotism. Heritage. Medicine” conferences attracted many doctors, connoisseurs of medical history and also young adepts of medical arts to Chicago. Dr. Rudnicki’s vision for engaging the students and residents in the organization was realized with the creation of the Junior PAMS (Junior Polish American Medical Society).
The list of achievements of PAMS in Chicago is long. Dr. Marek Rudnicki talked about them in detail during his speech.
Dr. Mazurek, Chairman of the Election Commission, chaired the meeting and presented the official results of the vote. After full approval of the election results by the Assembly, a new President and Board of Directors were approved. Over the next two years, the Polish American Medical Society in Chicago will be led by Dr. Piotr Brukasz and the Board of Directors consisting of 10 people. Details can be found at https://zlpchicago.org/board-of-directors-2020-2022
Dr. Piotr Brukasz thanked voters for the trust they had placed in him. He stressed that the Polish American Medical Society in Chicago will continue its mission of helping medical students. The doctors will continue to be engaged in programs within the Polish community. Our goals will be based on friendly cooperation, strengthening ties and improving professional experiences. Next year, the Polish American Medical Society in Chicago will celebrate its 75th anniversary. The 70th Physician’s Ball will be the largest charity event attended by medical professionals, business owners and supporters of the Polish American Medical Association.